Wednesday, December 7, 2011


If you hadn't noticed, I removed the Extra Special Sneak Peek post because only those who really follow my blog get to see things like that. So, if you got to see it, you got to see an exclusive sneak peek that was only there for a limited time! haha I also don't want someone to steal my work and make it their own, so I can't be TOO revealing. ;)
It has been a while since I have posted anything on here so I thought maybe it was time for an update. My book is coming along great! I haven't been working as much on it as I should be, but I have been working on it, at least. I'm at almost 22,000 words! Holy cow that's a lot of words! I am typing my story in Novel Formatting in Microsoft Word, meaning it basically looks the way it would look as a book (Side by side pages, etc.). I am on page 68 right now! So, it's going great! I actually bought a few books to help with my research when I need it. Before, I just checked them out from the library and wrote down key points, but its SOO much easier just having the book in front of me to flip through. I bought Practical Guide to Dragons and Practical Guide to Dragon Riding and I checked out Practical Guide to Dragon Magic back out of the library so I could just keep it handy. Eventually, I want to buy all of the Practical Guide books, but those were the first two I bought. I haven't even read Practical Guide to Dragon Riding yet, so I'm excited for that one to finally come in the mail. I'll probably post another update (maybe another sneak peek) when I hit 25,000 words, so keep a lookout. :)