Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Inspiration - The Backbone

I've been thinking a lot about what inspires me lately, and thought I would share some of the inspiration behind my book. Pictures, music, and other books are the three biggest inspiring factors that have influenced and guided me in my writing.
Here are some of the pictures that inspire me:

(LOVE this one. One of my favs. One of the main characters in my book, which I created before I found this,  looks a lot like this.)
"Suddenly, It's Magic"

(Another great pic. Inspired a scene in my book. This is my computer background at the moment.)

(Fantastic work by Chris Cold I believe his name is. Absolutely love it.)

(I really love the name of this one. The pic and the name really tell so much. Very inspiring for attacks and such.)
"They Came Without Warning"

(Some collages with more awesome, inspiring pics...)

 So, those are some of the pictures that inspire me when I'm writing. There are so many more that I have seen that were amazing, and some are on another blog post on my other blog here. Those are really awesome pictures of dragons, so go check them out. Most of the pictures are found on a computer background site:

Music also inspires me. As I said in another blog post on my other blog, I love what I call "epic music", which is the music that is in movie trailers and soundtracks - instrumental stuff. I use it for writing a lot, and listen to it at work while I think about my book and what I want to have happen next in it. The music on this blog and my other blog are the type of music I listen to while writing. I posted a couple of my favs on the other blog, here. Here are a couple more examples:

"Eventide" by Brand X Music

"Ironwing" by Two Steps From Hell

 "Black Blade" by Two Steps From Hell

"Fire Nation" by Two Steps From Hell

Those are some of the songs that inspire me. Such great music.

As for inspiring books:

The Inheritance Cycle
The Hunger Games
Harry Potter
Eon: Dragoneye Reborn and Eona: The Last Dragoneye
Artemis Fowl
The Dragon Codices

Just some examples. There are SO many more. Pretty much every book inspires me, but these are some of my favs. 

Inspiration is such a great thing! Without it, I wouldn't be writing my book right now. I'm so thankful for these pictures, songs, and books. Inspiration is the backbone of everything, if you really think about it. Take a minute and consider: What inspires YOU?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Other Blog

If you are wondering why I am so interested in dragons and writing a book series about them, I posted something about it in my other blog, and you should go check it out! And make sure you become a follower so you can get updates and see when I post things on that blog as well! (When I say 'become a follower', I mean click the thing at the top that says 'follow' or on the right side bar there is a button to become a follower.) I'm always eager for more followers! ;) The post on the other blog has some sweet pics of dragons too. Go check it out! This is the link to the actual post on my blog