Wednesday, January 25, 2012

100 Down! (Some Awesome Dragon Pics At End Of Post)

My very first 100 pages are DONE! Woot, time to celebrate! I am now finally to a part in the story where the main adventure/journey begins! This means...even more dragons! The main character is about to embark on a journey to visit each color of dragon (Black, Copper, Green, Bronze, White, Brass, Blue, Gold, and Red). This journey is going to teach him all about each color of dragon, and he will learn lessons about things he never dreamed of seeing or knowing. I'm so excited to start this next part! This first book is going to have at least one if not two of the different dragons' parts. He will definitely visit the Black Dragons in this first book, and if I feel it needs to be longer, I may do the Coppers as well. It all depends on how much I write, basically. We will see!  I am very happy and excited to have the first 100 pages under my belt. They still need to be edited, of course, and probably more than once, but at least the first draft has been completed. I hope you will keep reading my posts and stay excited with me! Soon, my book will be finished and hopefully published and then you will see how all this hard work turns out! I'll include a couple of awesome pics of Black and Copper Dragons just for fun as a sort of celebration for this mile marker. :)

Black Dragons:

Pics Found Here -

Copper Dragons:

Pics Found Here -

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