Saturday, January 14, 2012


The 25,000 word milestone was finally just hit! I now have exactly 25,000 words (78 pages) written on my book! (This is pre-edited of course, but still...) I am very excited to have already written this many words, and can't wait to get more done. This book is going to be kind of a long book I think, because I'm really not very far into it. A lot of exciting things have already happened, but it is still just the beginning of the story. Even more exciting parts are coming up, and I cannot wait to get to them! Right now, I kind of need to take a little time to really think about what I want to happen next and work out a few more details. I sure hate my job normally, but today, I am a little thankful for the chance to just zone out and think about my book while I clean. I will also try to think of something special for those who actually read this blog. Keep an eye out for that!

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