Thursday, March 15, 2012

150 Down...No Idea How Many To Go

I finally hit 150 pages! Feels like it took forever to write those 50 pages after 100, but it really wasn't that long. Just felt like it dragged on and on. Anyway, I've been racking my brain trying to think of something that I could post to celebrate without giving too much away or anything like that. I went through a lot of stupid ideas, but I finally came up with something that I feel is different but still fun and can put some ideas about my book in your head. I just hope they aren't too silly. ;)

First, I'll add a couple pics of different creatures and monsters that have been encountered or will be encountered soon in the book.

These are called Drow, or Dark Elves.

 These are Druids with their animal familiars.

 These are called Mind Flayers, or Illithids. The top two are Mind Flayer Sorcerers.

For the second part of the celebratory sneak peek (Since I've been on a music kick lately...), I will post a song that matches perfectly or nearly perfectly with something that happens in the book. I'll just let you wonder what happens. :)

"Burning Sky" by Immediate Music

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