Wednesday, December 7, 2011


If you hadn't noticed, I removed the Extra Special Sneak Peek post because only those who really follow my blog get to see things like that. So, if you got to see it, you got to see an exclusive sneak peek that was only there for a limited time! haha I also don't want someone to steal my work and make it their own, so I can't be TOO revealing. ;)
It has been a while since I have posted anything on here so I thought maybe it was time for an update. My book is coming along great! I haven't been working as much on it as I should be, but I have been working on it, at least. I'm at almost 22,000 words! Holy cow that's a lot of words! I am typing my story in Novel Formatting in Microsoft Word, meaning it basically looks the way it would look as a book (Side by side pages, etc.). I am on page 68 right now! So, it's going great! I actually bought a few books to help with my research when I need it. Before, I just checked them out from the library and wrote down key points, but its SOO much easier just having the book in front of me to flip through. I bought Practical Guide to Dragons and Practical Guide to Dragon Riding and I checked out Practical Guide to Dragon Magic back out of the library so I could just keep it handy. Eventually, I want to buy all of the Practical Guide books, but those were the first two I bought. I haven't even read Practical Guide to Dragon Riding yet, so I'm excited for that one to finally come in the mail. I'll probably post another update (maybe another sneak peek) when I hit 25,000 words, so keep a lookout. :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Holy Crap! I just finished the rough hashing out of the story-line!!! Oh my goodness I can't believe I'm finally finished with that part! It took a million bazillion questions to my husband, much talking and working things out verbally, and a lot of frustrated banging of my head and pulling of my hair, but I've got it figured out! I can't believe how much work I got done today though! I feel good! I also feel like I'm going to pass out right here and now. If I don't go climb in bed now, I will wake up still in front of the computer with keyboard impressions on my forehead. So, celebration sneak peek post tomorrow? Who wants another sneak peek? :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Still Chuggin' Along (Creature Pics Added!)

The story-line is still not yet quite finished, but I have been working hard on it and doing a lot more research (meaning asking my husband a million and one questions every day lol). I have been doing a lot of research on Tiamat and Bahamut, Queen and King of the dragons. I found a couple of websites with some good info on Tiamat, and found some more info on both of them in the Draconomicon (The Book of Dragons). So I've just been learning, learning, learning! I have to get all the knowledge I need for the ending of this story. I have also been looking around at some other creatures I may use in the story as well. There are going to be a lot of creatures in this story, that's for sure! So, I am still working on the ending, but it's coming together and soon I'll be finished! I might be able to finish this week even! We will see. :) Well, for those who are diligent readers of by blogs, I am going to put up some pictures with this post of some of the different creatures that will be in my story. I meant to put some up with the last post, but I never got around to it. So here they are! Enjoy!

Iron Golems:
(Just ignore the little zombie-looking guy, that is a Flesh Golem, and I'm probably not using any of those.)



(Found quite a few good pics of these.)


Bahamut (King of the Good Dragons/The Platinum Dragon):

Tiamat (Queen of the Evil Dragons):

Monday, October 24, 2011

HUGE Milestone Hit! Sneak Peeks to Celebrate!

Hooray! I have finished the parts for all of the different dragon colors in my story line! Now just to finish the last part of the story and wrap it all up and then go back through to do some minor changes and adjustments to the story line and then I can actually start the WRITING! Aren't you all so excited? 'Cause I am! Such a relief to have it done! Still have a bit to do and will take me a while probably, but this is still a huge milestone! How about some sneak peeks to celebrate? ;)
Get prepared because there are going to be Iron Golems, Gargoyles, a Nightmare, a Hydra, and even...a dreaded Tarrasque in the story! And of course, a few other creatures that I still have to go back through and put in the story.
Keep checking in because there will be more posts and maybe I'll even give away some more sneak peeks! ;)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Almost There! And a Couple of Small Sneak Peeks!

I'm getting so close to finishing the different dragon colors' parts in the story-line! I've finished the Blue, and got the Gold figured out. I will write down the Gold's part as soon as I'm done with this and will be working on figuring out the Reds and that will be the last of the colors! Then it will just be finishing the ending and going back through tweaking things to make sure they click together right. Just a couple of sneak peeks: There are going to be creatures called Yuan-ti in the story, which are snake-like humanoids (some with more snake parts than others) and I'm working on incorporating more than just those into the story as well, so I might have to go back and add some other things in the story-line. And another sneak peek: The main characters in the story will be the boy who is turned into the Silver Dragon, a warrior, a mage, and a female Silver Dragon who comes along on the journey to get the help of the all the dragons.  None of the characters have names yet. I want to finish the story-line first and see how the characters develop and then they will hopefully tell me their names instead of me coming up with names for them before truly knowing them. Well, I better get to work so I can finish the plot and get going on the actual writing! I'll get another update up once I get some more work done.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

First Breath of a New Blog

I decided to make a new and separate blog for posts about and updates on my story! I just worked some more on it yesterday. I now have the Silver, Black, Copper, Green, Bronze, White, and Brass mostly figured out. As I said in one of my earlier posts on my other blog, this story is going to have certain things happen with each color of dragon. The boy in the story (who is turned into a Silver Dragon) has to go to each color of dragon for help to thwart the evil Wizard's plans, for without the help of all 10 colors of dragons, there is very little chance he will be able to stop the Wizard from taking over the land and doing something that would change the world forever. The next parts I need to figure out are the Blues, Golds, and the dreaded Reds. I hope to be able to get them done soon, because then I can just go back through and tweak some things here and there until the story line clicks perfectly together, and then I can actually start the writing! It's going to take me a long time to get it all finished because there is so much to this story (and I'm learning there is more and more to it than I thought), so this will probably be a series. We will see how long of a series when I start writing the actual story. Thankfully, I have my husband who knows so much more about all of this than I do, and is so willing to patiently explain so much to me and let me bounce ideas off of him. This will be an epic story filled with fantasy, adventure, and plenty of action (including a HUGE epic battle towards the end!), so stay tuned and I'll be posting more sneak peeks and updates on it!