Sunday, October 30, 2011

Still Chuggin' Along (Creature Pics Added!)

The story-line is still not yet quite finished, but I have been working hard on it and doing a lot more research (meaning asking my husband a million and one questions every day lol). I have been doing a lot of research on Tiamat and Bahamut, Queen and King of the dragons. I found a couple of websites with some good info on Tiamat, and found some more info on both of them in the Draconomicon (The Book of Dragons). So I've just been learning, learning, learning! I have to get all the knowledge I need for the ending of this story. I have also been looking around at some other creatures I may use in the story as well. There are going to be a lot of creatures in this story, that's for sure! So, I am still working on the ending, but it's coming together and soon I'll be finished! I might be able to finish this week even! We will see. :) Well, for those who are diligent readers of by blogs, I am going to put up some pictures with this post of some of the different creatures that will be in my story. I meant to put some up with the last post, but I never got around to it. So here they are! Enjoy!

Iron Golems:
(Just ignore the little zombie-looking guy, that is a Flesh Golem, and I'm probably not using any of those.)



(Found quite a few good pics of these.)


Bahamut (King of the Good Dragons/The Platinum Dragon):

Tiamat (Queen of the Evil Dragons):

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