Monday, October 24, 2011

HUGE Milestone Hit! Sneak Peeks to Celebrate!

Hooray! I have finished the parts for all of the different dragon colors in my story line! Now just to finish the last part of the story and wrap it all up and then go back through to do some minor changes and adjustments to the story line and then I can actually start the WRITING! Aren't you all so excited? 'Cause I am! Such a relief to have it done! Still have a bit to do and will take me a while probably, but this is still a huge milestone! How about some sneak peeks to celebrate? ;)
Get prepared because there are going to be Iron Golems, Gargoyles, a Nightmare, a Hydra, and even...a dreaded Tarrasque in the story! And of course, a few other creatures that I still have to go back through and put in the story.
Keep checking in because there will be more posts and maybe I'll even give away some more sneak peeks! ;)

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