Thursday, October 6, 2011

First Breath of a New Blog

I decided to make a new and separate blog for posts about and updates on my story! I just worked some more on it yesterday. I now have the Silver, Black, Copper, Green, Bronze, White, and Brass mostly figured out. As I said in one of my earlier posts on my other blog, this story is going to have certain things happen with each color of dragon. The boy in the story (who is turned into a Silver Dragon) has to go to each color of dragon for help to thwart the evil Wizard's plans, for without the help of all 10 colors of dragons, there is very little chance he will be able to stop the Wizard from taking over the land and doing something that would change the world forever. The next parts I need to figure out are the Blues, Golds, and the dreaded Reds. I hope to be able to get them done soon, because then I can just go back through and tweak some things here and there until the story line clicks perfectly together, and then I can actually start the writing! It's going to take me a long time to get it all finished because there is so much to this story (and I'm learning there is more and more to it than I thought), so this will probably be a series. We will see how long of a series when I start writing the actual story. Thankfully, I have my husband who knows so much more about all of this than I do, and is so willing to patiently explain so much to me and let me bounce ideas off of him. This will be an epic story filled with fantasy, adventure, and plenty of action (including a HUGE epic battle towards the end!), so stay tuned and I'll be posting more sneak peeks and updates on it!

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